Bradford printers Kolorco used their gold Raising the Bar rating to great effect in helping them secure a lucrative contract to print a popular regional publication.

One of the questions on the tender response enquired about their environmental credentials. Kolorco could point to the fact that they had used the Chambers Raising the Bar scheme to benchmark and score themselves in the environmental category and their gold standard was a key factor in securing the contract.
Noel Greaves from Kolorco said “Our Environmental Management System is certified to ISO 14001 standards and we strive to continually improve our environmental performance. In addition Kolorco is a Forest Stewardship Council® chain of custody certified printing company ensuring paper comes from responsible and sustainable sources.
The feedback from our client showed our response stood out due to the fact we could demonstrate our Eco-management commitment and helped to win the contract. I would definitely recommend all members to sign up to Raising the Bar.
Original article West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce.